If there are multiple sounds defined in the sounds array, the system will pick a random sound to play each time the sound event is called. In this case, the file "keyboard_sound.ogg" is in the "custom" folder. Each sound in this array has a name property which defines the filename and location of the sound file.

Oh, and one more thing - I noticed in the Sound Options that I had some of the sliders down, but I already had ambient at 100%. P.P.S I got this specific sound to work when I was replacing the barrel close sound, but not when I tried to add it to the custom folder.

I have tried refreshing/resetting my resource pack by going into the resource packs menu and taking it off and putting it back on.

It isn't the command being typed wrong because this command did work: /playsound ambient all I did was play a pre-existing sound.

I have a sound called nomoretears.ogg located at sounds/block/custom/nomoretears.ogg, and I tried to play it in-game with the following command: /playsound ambient it did not work. I know that it is apparently possible to do this, and I've heard that all you have to do is stick in the sound file wherever and go by the filepath relative to your sounds folder here's an example in my case. I tried that already and it worked, but I want to see if I can add more sounds instead of replacing pre-existing ones since I'm not sure which sounds I can replace now that won't become a problem for me later on. I already know that you can have custom sounds in Minecraft by replacing the original sound effects using a resource pack, but that's not exactly what I want.